Stoiber-Sakaguchi Group

Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität

Division Pharmacology

Who we are

In the laboratory of Dagmar Stoiber-Sakaguchi at the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences, Division Pharmacology, we are interested in basic and translational cancer research focusing on molecular mechanisms responsible for the development of cancer and aim to use these findings to support and develop new approaches for diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy. We focus our research on the molecular mechanisms underlying the development and progression of hematologic malignancies and their role in the evasion of immune surveillance.

Why/How are we going Green

In science, there is always a plan B – but no planet B! We have already implemented several recommendations from the “Greenlabsaustria” initiative to safe energy and to reduce waste. Our lab
is now using reusable glass pipettes for buffer preparation and glass tubes to grow bacterial cultures. For most applications in research, we cannot avoid single-use plastic, but we try to wash and reuse tubes and recycle clean paper and plastic-ware. Additionally, we are shipping used pipette tip inlets back to the companies for recycling. We are sharing the lab with the Obermair laboratory (Division Physiology) and together hold monthly meetings to discuss how we could further reduce waste and safe energy.

Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität