Kenner Group

Medical University of Vienna

Department of Pathology; microONE (effects of micro- and nanoplastics on human health)

Who we are

Our research group focuses on basic and translational cancer research with a special interest in comparative pathology in human patient samples compared to gene-targeted mouse models. With this attempt, we explore new diagnostic approaches facilitating digital pathology procedures for establishing new therapies. The main focus of our research thereby lies on the core cancer pathways, such as the AP-1 and JAK-Stat signaling axis.

Besides this, we recently started to work on a big FFG funded research project – microONE - with both national and international academic and industrial research partners, which deals with the effects of micro- and nanoplastics on human health.

In this big network of microONE our research group will explore the impact of micro- and nanoplastics on the gastrointestinal tract and their potential effect on the development and progression of gastric cancer.

Why/How are we going Green

With our new research project, the awareness of plastic waste and its ecological consequences has raised dramatically. In the lab, a lot of plastic items are used for cell culture and aseptic techniques – often single-use items. In order to reduce the amount of plastic produced in the lab, we aim to replace plastic with reusable glassware wherever possible and try to recycle the produced plastic waste.

Department of Pathology
vetmeduni Labortierpathologie
MicroOne - For Human Health