Who we are
We study pathophysiological consequences of stress associated with inflammation, ischemia and oxidative damage at cellular level and on subcellular structures. Our work focuses on heme oxygenase and NO-synthase, two enzymes that produce biatomic gases, and their role in stress adaptation.
We are further highly engaged in the teaching activities of our institute and practically train students of ‘Veterinary Medicine’ and students of ‘Biomedicine’ in basic and advanced laboratory techniques for conducting diagnostic and biochemical analyses.
Why/How are we going Green
We share the vision of green labs austria of a more sustainable research. Additionally, being an educational institution we aim to broadly integrate the concept of sustainability into our practical teaching of chemistry and biochemistry. We substitute reagents for less hazardous substances, reduce waste by using multi-use material if possible, and educate our students to differentiate their waste and collect plastic material for recycling, whenever possible. We think that this approach will not only contribute to more sustainability of our research and teaching activities, but will also enhance the sensitivity of our students towards environmental issues.
Together with students of the Veterinary University, we set up a concept for collecting plastic disposals in accordance to the specifications of „Green Labs Austria". Besides establishing easy-to-follow guidelines with regard to the type of plastic, it was important for us to check the feasibility of our project, the waste-saving potential of our concept, and to get feedback from the students on the implementation of the rules. The project was nominated 2023 for the "Staatspreis ars docendi of the Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung" and is published in the "Atlas der guten Lehre" (https://gutelehre.at/). Further information can be found here.